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Bahrain: Scammers steal vital data, seek ransom from private company

A leading private company in Bahrain has filed a complaint with the National Cyber Security Centre after its vital data was allegedly stolen by scammers. “Our main server experienced an intrusion.

The intruder or intruders encrypted all the files and database on the server and have placed a note as a ransom against accessibility and retrieval of the files and data,” a letter written by the company to facilitate internal communication.

“An investigation is still in progress and we are waiting for the conclusive findings from the authorities. Although we are unaware of any actual misuse of information, we are providing notice to you and other potentially affected customers and suppliers about the incident, in order to protect against possible fraud,” the letter adds.

A cybersecurity expert, Muhammed Shiras, said all companies, both private and public, must step up their protection mechanisms as scammers are on the prowl in the region.


Daily Tribune
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