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Saudi ArabiaBahrain

Bahrain, Saudi welcomes Germany’s designation of Hezbollah as terrorist organisation

The Kingdom of Bahrain hailed the announced designation by the Federal Republic of Germany of the so-called Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, in a move that reflects its keenness to fight terrorist organisations, regardless of who supports or funds them.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses its appreciation of the incessant efforts of the Federal Republic of Germany to combat terrorism, calling on the international community to counter all forms of terrorism and consolidate international cooperation for more deterrent measures against all terrorist organisations which threaten international peace and security.

Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also welcomed Germany’s decision to list the ‘Hezbollah’ militia group as a terrorist organisation, and ban all activities on its soil.

The Ministry noted the importance of this step in the national and international counter-terrorism framework efforts, and reaffirmed the international community’s need to take a similar decision to maintain international peace and security, Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported.


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