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Bahrain: Salons and Barbershops to Reopen on Wednesday

Bahrain has announced the following decisions on 21st May.

Commercial and industrial businesses can resume usual operations, provided that the following conditions are met:

  • All employees and customers are required to wear face masks inside the premises.
  • In order to reduce the number of individuals using facilities at any one time, businesses must limit overcrowding and ensure social distancing guidelines are followed.
  • Stores and facilities are to be regularly and thoroughly disinfected, in accordance with guidelines established by the Ministry of Health.

Businesses must place appropriately spaced floor markings for queueing at the entrance of the stores, to maintain social distancing guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health

  • All non-essential medical services are to resume operations, whilst ensuring health and social distancing guidelines are thoroughly followed.
  • Professional sports players will be allowed to resume their sport exercises in outdoor spaces and swimming pools, as long as health and social distancing guidelines are followed.
  • Outdoor cinemas are allowed to operate, so long as health and social distancing guidelines are followed. Indoor cinemas will remain closed.

As of Wednesday, 27 May 2020, all salons and hair barbers are to re-open, whilst ensuring health and social distancing guidelines are followed.


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