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Bahrain: Robots used in quarantine centres on trial-basis

New medical robots in isolation at isolation and quarantine centres treating coronavirus-infected patients are used on a trial basis for now revealed Dr Waleed Khalifa Al Manea, Undersecretary Ministry of Health during the press conference held yesterday.

“As implemented in other countries, it’s been used to reduce contact between the medical team and the patients; the robots check temperatures and provide basic care for patients. The usage of these robots is on trial to check if they are effective and if it will add value. We still do not have the cost, but if we receive the expected benefit then the cost will not be a problem. The value of the individuals is much important than the financially cost” said Dr Waleed Khalifa Al Manea, Undersecretary Ministry of Health.

One of the robots could examine the patient’s body temperature, provide medication and meals, and could follow up patients through Face-ID and speak 12 different languages.


Plasma Treatment results


Meanwhile, Bahrain has initiated Plasma treatment which involves taking antibody-rich plasma from recovered coronavirus patients and injecting it into people who have severe cases of the disease.

Lt. Col. Dr. Manaf Al Qahtani-Member of the National Taskforce for Combating Coronavirus (COVID-19) yesterday announced that results of plasma treatment would be released soon.

“We are going to release the initial results of the study of plasma soon. We have done it in coordination with the Irish University, MOH and BDF. We are finalizing the study with the patients but yes, there are measures implemented to provide plasma. Among them, the recovered patient’s approval to donate plasma, passing 14 days – the longer the better as the antibodies in the body would be stronger. The results so far indicate that the treatment is efficient” said Lt. Col. Dr Manaf Al Qahtani – Member of the National Taskforce for Combating Coronavirus (COVID-19).

The method has been used to treat the sick in past epidemics, and it is generally considered low risk; researchers are now studying if it works against the new strain of coronavirus.


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