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Bahrain: Registration Period for COVID-19 Affected People Extended

The Royal Humanitarian Foundation (RHF) has announced the extension of the registration period to serve needy people affected by coronavirus (COVID-19) as part of “Feena Khair” campaign. Registration takes place electronically via the eGovernment National Portal bahrain.bh until July 9, 2020.

The RHF Secretary General Dr. Mustapha Al-Sayed, the Head of “Feena Khair” Effort Coordination Committee, in charge of distributing aids, said due to the high number of demands submitted by affected people and the foundation’s desire to give them ample time to submit their applications, a decision has been taken to extend the registration period until July 9, 2020. He called on people who want more information on the service to contact the foundation from Sunday to Thursday, from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm on the following numbers: 973-38104444 or 973-38284444.

The RHF Secretary General noted that the foundation will study all applications with the competent authorities to ascertain they meet all requirements for their approval.


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