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Bahrain records over 74,000 face mask violations

Over 74,000 face mask violations were registered in Bahrain until April 29, according to the Police Directorates in Governorates.

The directorates urged the continuance to follow the precautionary measures to fight COVID-19 by changing some social practices during Ramadan.

The directorates continue to organise awareness and law enforcement campaigns against the spread of coronavirus and stop violations of precautionary measures.

A total of 9048 procedures were taken to ensure social distancing; meanwhile, 74007 violations of not wearing masks in public places were registered, and 9128 awareness campaigns were conducted until April 29.

In the same period, the General Directorate of Civil Defence carried 262629 disinfection operations of government buildings and roads and conducted training for 1180 individuals in the private sector and 1051 in the public sector.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the National Ambulance Centre has dealt with 10,496 virus-related cases through a specialised team, and the Transportation Directorate has transferred 92,331 cases.


Bahrain News Agency

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