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Bahrain ranked as second top Arab destination to invest in human capital

The World Bank has ranked Bahrain as the second top destination in the Arab world to invest in human capital.

The Human Capital Index 2020 measures potential productivity in the health and education sectors across 98% of the world’s population – with a focus on the knowledge, skills and health that a child born today is expected to accumulate by their 18th birthday.

Bahrain ranked 46th against a global benchmark and second in the Arab world in the index. The UAE topped in the Arab world and ranked 44th worldwide. Singapore took the first-place spot globally, with Japan ranking second and Korea coming third.

Bahrain scored 0.65 points, up more than 8 percent from its 0.60 ranking based on the same factors 2010 – four times the global average.

According to the report, Bahrain performed particularly well in the field of education, ranking first among the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries for academic achievement, and among the top five countries globally for the performance of girls over boys in education.

World Bank researchers noted: “More human capital is associated with higher earnings for people, higher income for countries, and stronger cohesion in societies. It is a central driver of sustainable growth and poverty reduction.”


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