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GCC CountriesBahrain

Bahrain: Proposal to Decrease School Fees Amid Coronavirus

A proposal has been made by a lawmaker stating that private schools and kindergartens should decrease their fees by 65 per cent during the closure period in light of Coronavirus threat.

Adel Al Asoomi said that schools should bear the brunt instead of passing on the pressure to parents. “This is an exceptional situation and everyone is going through a hard time. “Private schools and kindergartens should understand this and take 35 per cent of the total financial dues in order to cover operating costs only without profit during this period.”

In his proposal, Mr Al Asoomi emphasised the importance of community partnership in such exceptional circumstances. He said, “Schools are closed at this time and this would result in decreased operating expenses, so there is no need to take the same amount in fees.”

“We are at an exceptional stage, and everyone must co-operate in it to overcome this adversity with minimal damage.”


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