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Bahrain: Private School Joins Global Fight to Find COVID-19 Vaccine

A private school in Bahrain has joined the global fight to find a vaccine for COVID-19.

The British School of Bahrain (BSB) is contributing to the Folding@home(FAH) project, which has recently become the biggest supercomputer on Earth.

BSB is using its powerful ICT suites to join the global distributing computing platform to help scientists and researchers understand how the protein that makes up the COVID-19 virus works. Proteins are the key component of the virus and understanding this part of it informs us how the virus functions.

FAH performs molecular dynamic simulations of protein dynamics by using a virtualized supercomputer, which is an integration of thousands of computers worldwide.

Researchers and scientists send tasks to the network of computers which run simulations and send the data back with their individual results. FAH has become one of the world’s largest supercomputers and this power is being used to great benefit in the search for a vaccine.


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