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GCC CountriesBahrain

Bahrain: 3 Months in Jail; Up to BD10,000 Fine for Refusing Precautionary Measures

Following this evening’s press conference held by the National Taskforce for Combating the Coronavirus (COVID-19) on the subject of Bahrain’s efforts to contain Coronavirus (COVID-19) and new measures to prevent the spread of the virus,  Lieutenant-General Tariq bin Hassan Al Hassan, Chief of Public Security, made a explanatory statement.

He noted that Public Furthermore, the Chief of Public Security underlined the importance of leaving at least a metre between individuals in any group in order to ensure everyone’s safety.

He said that that Article 121 of the Public Health Law established punishments for any person who refuses to implement any measures to prevent the spread a disease. The punishments include imprisonment for a period of no less than three months and a fine of no less than one thousand dinars and not exceeding ten thousand dinars, or one of these two penalties.

The Chief of Public Security explained that the police directorates in the Kingdom’s governorates, represented by the Community Service Police, have organised awareness campaigns using several languages, with the aim of educating community members and foreign communities on the importance of following procedures and guidelines and avoiding gatherings.

He called on all citizens and residents to abide by the instructions and all precautionary measures, emphasising that all legal measures will be utilised in the case of violations, with perpetrators referred to the Public Prosecution.


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