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Bahrain: Pope leads public Mass before crowd of 28,000 on Saturday

Pope Francis lead a Mass on Saturday, with 28,000 people in attendance, as part of his visit to Bahrain.

Pope Francis lead an open-air Mass before an audience of thousands of worshippers on the third day of his historic visit to Bahrain on Saturday. The gathering at Bahrain’s National Stadium began at 8.30am local time, with about 28,000 people in attendance.

The large-scale event provided the pontiff with an opportunity to speak directly to members of the Catholic faithful in the Kingdom.

The pope delivered a strong message during his landmark visit on the crucial need for the global community to work as one to address injustice, combat hunger and poverty and counter extremist ideologies.

The pope concluded his engagements on Saturday with a visit to Sacred Heart School.

The final day of the Pope’s visit will consist of a prayer meeting and angelus at the Sacred Heart Church and a farewell ceremony at the Sakhir Air Base in Awali on 6 November, 2022.


The National
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