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GCC CountriesBahrain

Compulsory Seminar on Filipino Worker Rights in Bahrain

The Philippine embassy requested all recruitment agencies in Bahrain to subject all Filipino domestic workers to attend a seminar on the rights, duties, privileges, and responsibilities. This came in an official letter sent to all recruitment agencies in Bahrain.

In the letter, the embassy said that doing this was now a part of the obligations of employers and recruitment agencies to who are going to employ Filipino workers. The embassy indicated that that was only related to domestic workers, and will be organized continuously.

On their part, a big number of recruitment agencies’ owners expressed their concern about this step. Some agreed while many others disagreed especially, noting, that the workers had completed lectures and training for domestic workers in the Philippines over a period of two months.

It is noteworthy that the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Migrant Workers Affairs in the Republic of the Philippines, Sarah Lou Ariola, expressed her appreciation for the Government of Bahrain for its attention and care given to the Filipino community. She added that, during her official visit to Bahrain in December 2019, she understood that the Filipino community in Bahrain are respected and leads peaceful lives with all rights.


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