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GCC CountriesBahrain

Bahrain: Pharmacies Shut Down for Altering Mask Prices

Three pharmacies located in Budaiya, Riffa, and Muharraq have been shut down for tampering with the prices of masks used for prevention against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

The Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and Tourism clamped down on the three outlets which were found in breach of law 35 of 2012 on consumer protection.

Inspectors from the Control Directorate found that the pharmacies were concealing the protective masks and tampering with their prices, thus profiting from people’s concerns amid the current circumstances.

The ministry announced that it would continue its clampdown across Bahrain to ensure pharmacies, markets and other trading outlets comply the regulations and display goods without tampering with their prices. It pledged to take all adequate and deterrent measures against violators.


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