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Bahrain Pavilion opens its 2nd exhibition at Dubai Expo 2020

From its ancient past to the present day, the people of Bahrain continue to reinvent themselves to meet the various challenges of  life, and the abundance of local handicrafts have survived and evolved through their reinvention and embrace of modern technologies while maintaining their original gestures of making. Weaving and handicrafts form part of the fabric of Bahrain’s rich culture, past, present and future.  

During the month of December, the Bahrain Pavilion at the Expo inaugurated its second theme “Weaving Innovation”, transforming the main pavilion area into a theater displaying a number of physical and interactive exhibits providing visitors a first-hand look at the innovative technologies used to manufacture  woven composite materials such as carbon fiber, and the common gestures and crafts that connect these technologies to ancestral weaving methods. 

Throughout this exhibition, visitors will discover the partnership between the Kingdom of Bahrain and McLaren, as the exhibition showcases McLaren’s longstanding knowledge and use of carbon fiber technology, culminating in the launch of their newest vehicle “Artura” that utilizes lightweight carbon fiber engineering and electric car technology.  

The Kingdom of Bahrain Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai will be open to visitors until March 2022, and will showcase periodic, two-month long installations inspired by textile and weaving crafts that translate the notion of density central to the pavilion’s theme while highlighting this important aspect of Bahrain’s rich history and heritage.  


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