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Bahrain: Outdoor Work Ban to Begin on July 1

The ban of outdoor afternoon work will begin in July 1 and will continue until the end of August. This was announced by the Labour and Social Development Ministry through its official website and social media accounts.

The ministry assured that all preparations have been made to begin supervision of implementation of ministerial edict 39/ 2013.

It noted that the annual ban, prohibiting outdoor work from midday until 4pm during July and August months, aims to safeguard workers’ health, ensure their safety against heat exhaustion and sunstroke as well as prevent summer-related diseases and to reduce occupational incidents in view of the increasing temperatures and humidity, in line with the kingdom’s commitment to human rights principles, especially regarding the need to provide secure and healthy work environment.

The ministry has launched an awareness-raising campaign, urging employers and workers to comply with the provisions of the edict.


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