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Bahrain: Nurse-Attacker Faces 3 Years in Jail, Permanent Deportation

The viral nurse-attacker was sentenced to three years in jail and to be permanently deported upon completing the punishment.

In the previous trial, held on April 23rd, the 29-year-old Asian attacker claimed that he was drunk and was not aware of what he was doing.

The video of a nurse being tackled and mugged went viral last February prompting cause for major concern in Bahrain. The video showed a hospital nurse walking and being followed by a man who moments later strangled her and pushed her to the ground. The woman was brutally punched, picked up and thrown again to the ground. The attacker ran away when people started noticing.

The incident is said to have happened at 10:55 pm near the St Mary’s Indian Orthodox Cathedral in Salmaniya area. The incident was recorded on a CCTV camera showing the 60-second ordeal.

The attacker was arrested in less than 24 hours after the news broke.


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