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GCC CountriesBahrainExpats

Bahrain: Nurse-Attacker Confesses to Motive

An expat man, who was arrested for brutally attacking a nurse in Salmaniya area in the Capital, confessed that he was attempting to rob her, as mentioned in his statement during the probe launched by the Public Prosecution.

The 29-year-old is now facing the charges of attempted robbery, while the investigation in the case continues.

According to the Chief Prosecutor, the suspect confessed to the accusations raised against him and he informed the interrogators that he was trying to steal the 33-year-old victim’s bag, adding that his attempt went in vain after she resisted and cried out to passersby for help.

Footage of a security camera installed in a shop located near the crime scene showed how the suspect stalked the woman as she walked, then suddenly attacking from the back and bringing her to the floor, where he continued punching her before running away from the spot.

The Public Prosecution is continuing its procedures in order to refer the case to the concerned criminal court. No further information was available.


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