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GCC CountriesBahrain

Bahrain: Nurse-Attacker Arrested in Less Than 24 Hours

The nurse-attacker whose story went viral was arrested in less than 24 hours. The Ministry of Interior stated that the General Directorate of Criminal Investigation and Forensic Science directed the Criminal Investigation Police to intensify investigations.

The Criminal Investigation Police, in cooperation with the Capital Police Directorate, managed to arrest the attacker, who is a 29-year-old expat. According to sources, reasons for the dispute were financial as the attacker lent the nurse an amount of money and she avoided him for a long time.

Concerned authorities assured that necessary legal procedures have been taken and that the case has been referred to the Public Prosecution.

The incident is said to have happened near the St Mary’s Indian Orthodox Cathedral in Salmaniya area. The incident was recorded on a CCTV camera showing the 60-second ordeal.


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