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Bahrain: NSSA partners with NASA

Bahrain’s National Space Science Agency (NSSA) is partnering with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in the US.

The formal collaboration comes following NSSA’s sponsorship of the NASA Space Apps Challenge – an annual hackathon that pools students, programmers, coders, aspiring scientists and inventors to solve real-world NASA challenges.

NSSA has been running the hackathon for two years. It ran two virtual events last year; one focused on COVID-19 and the other was the Virtual Space Apps Edition.

NSSA’s participation in Space Apps this year during Space Week in early October will increase the diversity of participants, subject matter experts, and judges. This will be the largest event yet.

High school and university students as well as young and old space enthusiasts have been invited to come together and develop solutions for space challenges.

For more information, visit the Space Apps Challenge website.



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