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BahrainTech & Telecoms

Bahrain: NSSA announces NASA SpaceApps Challenge

The National Space Science Agency (NSSA) has announced its online registration for university and high school students to participate in the NASA Space App 2020 (TAKE ACTION) Virtual Hackathon on October 2-3.
The hackathon aims to attract participants from all over the world to create virtual teams that use available NASA data to propose solutions to NASA challenges in just 48 hours.
The idea of the hackathon is based on motivating participants to invent new ways and ideas through which space data can be usefully presented, whether through applications, games, or innovative technical solutions.
This event comes within awareness activities carried out by NSSA and as part of its participation in events and initiatives concerned with promoting a culture of innovation and creativity among members of society in general and the youth.
It also aims to encourage the youth to adapt their practice in various sectors, especially the space sector, which is one of the future sciences.


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