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GCC CountriesBahrain

Bahrain: No Damage Caused by Locust Invasion

The locusts that have been described as dangerous to crops did not destroy any farms in the Kingdom, said sources.

Strong winds from Saudi Arabia had caused swarms of locusts to invade Bahrain on Thursday. Citizens and residents were astonished to see scores of locusts descending from the sky. Many videos of the locust swarms had gone viral on social media.

Farmers said, although they were fearful, crops were not harmed by the locusts. Authorities sprung into action with Ministry of Works, Municipalities and Urban Planning sending teams to deal with the situation before it gets out of hand. The ministry stated that experts in the field are monitoring the situation and that continuous communication is ongoing with the Saudi Arabian authorities.

Reportedly, many people here have been catching locusts to eat it, considering it a delicacy.  Experts say they are a source of protein, but there are also warnings against eating locusts due to risk of diseases.


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