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Bahrain: NHRA exempts over 400 professionals from paying fines

Chief Executive of the National Health Regulatory Authority (NHRA) Dr. Meriam Adhbi Al Jalahma said that the authority has exempted 418 professionals from paying fines as of February 2020.

Al Jalahma praised the directives of HRH the Prime Minister to exempt the medical competencies working in the front lines in combating coronavirus and who have been unable to renew their licences since February, 2020, from paying any fines or financial arrears. She said no procedure will be taken against them in this regard.

Al Jalahma affirmed that NHRA highly values those directives and has taken the necessary measures immediately after their issuance to carry them out. 

She asserted that the decision reflects the status of the health system and all its affiliates who are playing a pioneering national and humanitarian role, especially after the outbreak of the pandemic which inflicted more responsibilities on the medical sector.

The exemptions have reached more than BD 24,000 for 418 medical professionals working in the public sector so far.


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