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Bahrain: New Medical Robots Used in Coronavirus Fight

Dr. Walid bin Khalifa Al Mana, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health, revealed that the Ministry new medical robots in isolation wards and treatment centres.

This is the first such experiment undertaken in Bahrain, with a view to benefiting from Artificial Intelligence technology and determining the extent of its use in providing medical and healthcare in isolation wards in isolation and treatment centres.

Professor Fatima Abdul Wahid Al-Ahmad, Assistant Undersecretary for Resources and Services, said that the Ministry of Health is providing the highest levels of protection and safety for health personnel.

She emphasized the Ministry’s stakeholders are seeking to find advanced technical solutions, including the use of a smart robot to provide some nursing services such as checking body temperature, providing medicines, tracking the patient, and providing meals and other services that the patient needs.

The Ministry, in cooperation with a French company in the Kingdom, is now as a trial using 2 robots to evaluate their effectiveness in providing health care.

The Assistant Undersecretary of Resources and Services explained: “One of the robots is tasked with examining the patient’s body temperature, providing medicine, serving meals, and tracking the patient through the faceprint. It speaks 12 different languages.”

“The second is to sterilize the surfaces, rooms and buildings,” she added, adding that “we hope that using the robot to provide nursing care will make a quantum leap in the health services in the Kingdom of Bahrain.”

The ministry stated that these robots are equipped with sensitive sensors and cameras through which they communicate with the surrounding environment, move from one location to another and talk to patients and staff.


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