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Bahrain to resume indoor dining, gyms, swimming pools

The Bahrain Ministry of Health announced following new decisions, effective Sunday, March 14, 2021:

  • Allowing attendance in public and private schools, higher education institutions, government and private universities and kindergartens licensed by the Ministry of Education, government rehabilitation centers and homes as well as nurseries and private training centers and institutes licensed and affiliated with the Ministry of Labor and Social Development
  • Reopening of indoor dining at restaurants and cafes with a maximum of 30 people in each facility while continuing to provide outdoor services, in accordance with the procedures and requirements previously announced in this regard.
  • Reopening of private indoor gyms and swimming pools according to previously announced procedures and requirements.
  • Continuing to prevent all social gatherings or private events in homes and private places of more than 30 people.

The National Medical Team for Responding to Coronavirus (Covid-19), stressed the importance of continuing all efforts in a team spirit to limit the spread of the virus and the new mutated strain.



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