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Bahrain: New 152-Bed ICU at Sitra Field Hospital

The new Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at the Field Hospital located in Sitra was visited by the Chairman of the Supreme Council of Health, HE Lieutenant-General Dr. Shaikh Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Khalifa.

Major General Professor Shaikh Khalid explained that the 2,400 sqm Sitra ICU field hospital was built and prepared in a record time of 14 days.

The ICU field hospital has been fully equipped with a capacity of 152 beds, 152 respirators, and an on-site medical laboratory.

Furthermore, the site will be staffed with a specialized medical team of 55 doctors and 250 nurses.

Major General Professor Shaikh Khalid added that the Sitra ICU field hospital is equipped with X-ray machines, mobile dialysis units, an integrated store for medical drugs, all to ensure the provision of high-quality medical services in accordance with international best practice.


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