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Bahrain: New 130-Bed ICU for COVID-19 Critical Patients

A new 130-bed facility has been added in the BDF Military Hospital to provide healthcare for critical cases infected with COVID-19.

Lt. General Dr. Shaikh Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Khalifa said the field intensive care unit was built in a record time of seven days. He added the unit was outfitted with the best equipment and according to the highest standards. He pointed out that Bahrain will provide 500 beds nationwide to provide the needed treatment when required.

The SCH President listened to a briefing on the unit that will be operated by the Military Hospital and which comprises 130 beds to provide healthcare for critical cases infected with COVID-19.

The Royal Medical Services Commander Major General Prof. Shaikh Khalid bin Ali Al Khalifa revealed that the field intensive care unit in Sitra was equipped with 100 beds and will be outfitted with the best equipment to provide optimum services when needed.

He underlined the efforts being exerted to ensure the safety of all people in Bahrain and prevent the spread of the virus.


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