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Bahrain: Muharraq Municipality Imposes BD300 Fine for Feeding Birds, Animals in Public Places

Muharraq Municipality, under the guidance of the Muharraq Municipal Council, has launched a campaign to penalise people who feed animals in the streets and public places. The fee is BD300, according to Muharraq Municipal Council, and the affected residential zones have been identified in order to control the situation.

After receiving several complaints from the public, the municipality posted signs prohibiting feeding birds and animals on the streets and public squares, as this practice attracts flies and rats and the rotting of leftovers that are not suitable for feeding animals. Several banners have been up, with more to follow in the following days.

The media specialist at the Muharraq Municipal Council, Musab Al-Sheikh, stated that there are alternatives to scattering dry grains and properly disposing of food leftovers, such as giving them to those who can use them or dealing with them.

The Muharraq Municipal Council account was published on its accounts on social media educational publications mentioning the alternatives. “There are environmentally friendly alternatives that do not cause insects and rodents to gather, such as using dry foods and avoiding wet leftovers,” Sheikh said.

He pointed out that throwing leftover food and waste from birds and animals on the sidewalks of roads, streets, and vacant lands is a phenomenon that causes disturbance to neighbours and passersby, pollutes the environment, emits unpleasant odours, and distorts the general view.

He pointed out that throwing leftover food and waste from birds and animals on the sidewalks of roads, streets, and vacant lands is a phenomenon that causes disturbance to neighbours and passersby, pollutes the environment, emits unpleasant odours, and distorts the general view. He added, “It is also an active environment for the breeding of insects and rodents, which carry multiple types of diseases.

In addition to that, it creates an environment that attracts stray dogs to residential neighbourhoods, and it may sometimes cause harm to the animals and birds themselves.”

He pointed out that some people provide food and drink for these birds in the middle of residential areas and throw waste to feed the animals.

It should be noted that this act is considered an explicit violation of the law according to the penalties list, as whoever carries out this act will be fined BD300 according to Hygiene Law No. (10) of 2019.


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