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Bahrain mourns death of Former Radio Director

Information Minister Ali bin Mohammed Al Romaihi has mourned the former Director of Bahrain Radio, Abdulrahman Abdullah Al Rai, who passed away after a rich professional march in the media field.

Homage was paid to Al Rai, recalling his good qualities and services to the nation and praying to Allah Almighty to bless him with mercy, rest his soul in vast paradise and provide his family with patience and fortitude.

Al Rai joined Bahrain Radio in 1954 and contributed, in collaboration with the late Ibrahim Kanoo, to the launch of Bahrain Radio from the moment he assumed his duties. He took up many posts until a decision was issued on September 24, 1990, appointing him Director of Bahrain Radio. He retired in 2001.

Al Rai was known for his distinction and creativity in presenting topics and radio programmes and showed a keen desire to train a Bahraini generation capable of conveying Bahrain’s voice to the world.


The Daily Tribune
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