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Bahrain: Mortality Rate from COVID-19 Remains Low

Bahrain’s mortality rate from coronavirus remains low, as announced during a press conference held by the Ministry of Health today.

The percentage of those recovering from the total existing cases amounted to 70.45% of the existing cases, and the death rate from the existing cases is 0.24%.

Bahrain’s treatment and isolation capacity is also well equipped, the absorptive capacity of the isolation and treatment centers being 8170 beds, of which 3922 beds are occupied.

1718 of the existing cases have been referred to the optional home isolation because of the absence of symptoms, and they matched the conditions specified for this type of isolation.

The capacity of the precautionary quarantine centers is 3410 beds, the occupancy of which is 668 beds.

Health officials have conducted 443,380 tests indicating high rate of tracing and testing capacity. This was highlighted by National Taskforce for Combating Coronavirus team member and Salmaniya Medical Complex Infectious and Internal Diseases consultant Dr Jameela Al Salman.


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