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Bahrain monetarizes election process  

The National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR) participates in monitoring the progress of the parliamentary and municipal elections that will be held on November 12.

NIHR will monitor team consisting of members of the Board of Commissioners and employees of the foundation’s General Secretariat to ensure the smoothness of the electoral process procedures.

The institution announced a toll-free hotline 8001144 allocated to receive any complaints or observations related to monitoring the progress of the election process, from 8 am to 8 pm on Saturday, November 12, the election day, and Saturday, November 19, the day of the run-off.

NIHR induces complainants to communicate directly with the institution and provide all information through the WhatsApp app 17111666.

NIHR Chairman Ali Ahmed Al Derazi said that all observations and recommendations will be put into a special report that will be issued later.


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