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GCC CountriesBahrain

Bahrain: MOH Issues Mandatory Guidelines for Supermarkets

“All retail stores and supermarkets must adhere to the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health to combat the spread of (COVID-19),” this came in a statement by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism which stressed the necessity that these stores read and follow the instructions contained therein, through the website of the Ministry of Health.

Some of the instructions and restrictions in the Ministry of Health’s website were leaving one meter between each customer while shopping in retail stores, hypermarkets and supermarkets, activate the e-shopping service as much as possible, providing a temperature measuring device and checking all shop users by measuring their temperature, making available easy access to goods with frequent purchase, providing hand sanitizer to all customers, all workers who work in shops and supermarkets will be required to wear masks and gloves for their safety and the safety of everyone, clean and sterilize all shopping carts before and after each use by customers and activating electronic payment devices remotely in all stores.

The Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and Tourism calls on all retail stores and supermarkets to adhere to the Ministry of Health’s instructions in order to preserve the safety of its customers and employees, in light of what is imposed by these current exceptional circumstances at the global level.

The ministry urged all to call the National Call Center on 80008001 for more information and inquiries.


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