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WorldGCC CountriesBahrain

Bahrain: Maritime Laws Set Fine of Upto BD 100,000

The Maritime and Environmental laws in Bahrain have stated various penalties and fines for violators. For sailors or captains who violate the rules, penalties of up to three years imprisonment and fines of BD100,000 are in place.

The articles stated that that the Maritime and Environmental laws in Bahrain prohibit ships from disposing of all types of wastes like food left-overs, operational wastes, all types of plastics, cargo wastes, ashes from incinerators (combustion furnaces), cooking oil, fishing gear and animal slaughter in the Kingdom’s territorial waters.

On another regard, the law provides that the captain of the ship, without endangering his ship, is obligated to provide assistance to any person who is found at risk at sea, and the captain must respond to distress calls from other ships and expedite the provision of assistance unless the captain of the ship at risk exempt it.

Violating the provisions of the above-mentioned, the law stated, would be punishable by imprisonment for a period not exceeding three years and by a fine of no less than BD1000 and not exceeding BD100,000 or by either of these two penalties.


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