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Bahrain: Man under influence walks half-naked on street; court orders rehabilitation

A young Bahraini man who was on trial for walking half-naked on a busy street under the influence of drugs has been excused him from hefty penalties. The High Criminal Court has ordered to enrol him in a rehabilitation programme for addiction treatment.

Court files say the man was walking outside his home semi-naked in an abnormal state when police arrested him. He was reported to the police by pedestrians who spotted him. The man tried to run away when officers reached the scene, resisting arrest and assaulted police officers, who had to take him by force.

A lab test later proved that the man was under the influence of drugs. Public Prosecution had charged the man with drug abuse and assaulting on-duty police officers.

Following this, the Court ordered a mental health check which then confirmed that the defendant was addicted to drugs and recommended placing him in a rehabilitation centre.


The Daily Tribune
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