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Bahrain: Man Ordered To Pay BD100,000 To Former Wives

A husband was ordered to pay his first divorcee BD71,000 and his second divorcee BD41,000 by the First High Civil Court. The former wives had contributed to purchasing land and building the marital home, after which they were divorced and expelled from the villa.

The lawyer representing the two plaintiffs stated that they were married to the defendant in 1983 and 1995, respectively. Upon his request, the first wife contributed to purchasing the plot of land on which the house was built and the construction of the first floor, while the second wife contributed to the construction of the second floor and maintenance of the ground floor.

In 2021, the husband divorced the two and demanded that they vacate the house. Consequently, the plaintiffs filed a joint case submitting documents for their claim including a loan agreement obtained by the second plaintiff for construction costs, bills and receipts related to building materials, raw materials, and various construction expenses. They requested the delegation of an expert to determine the value of sums they had paid and to refer the case for investigation to prove their contributions, besides a ruling obligating the defendant to pay them an amount of BD5,500 while preserving the right to amend the request according to the conclusion drawn by the expert report.

The husband filed a counterclaim demanding their expulsion from the property and its handover free of concerns and persons. However, the expert concluded that the value owed to the plaintiffs is BD71,180 and BD41,487, respectively. Their lawyer referred to the text of Articles 184 and 185 of the Civil Code in her defense. Additionally, the contractor who built the second floor testified to receiving sums from the second wife.

Based on the above, the court indicated that the right of ownership is a comprehensive right that is effective against all individuals. Thereby the counterclaim was dropped and the defendant was ordered to pay the owed sums.


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