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GCC CountriesBahrain

Bahrain: Man Caught Using Fake Cash Inside Mall

A Gulf national, who was earlier convicted of using a fake note at a mall in Muharraq, got his five years imprisonment sentence reduced by the Supreme Criminal Court of Appeal to one year.

The defendant was arrested after trying to use a fake SR500 note inside the mall.
He apparently wanted to buy a lighter but the cashier inside the shop discovered that the currency note wasn’t genuine, therefore he refused to sell it.

With the GCC man insisting to have the lighter using the fake cash note, the cashier called the mall security to deal with the defendant, who fled the spot after losing hope that his attempt will succeed.

It’s said that the GCC man, along with a fellow national, entered the toilet after the mall’s security men chased him.

He flushed the money but the security men managed to recover it from the drainage.
Meanwhile, police officers arrived and arrested the defendant who was found to being in possession of fake money worth SR1400.

He was tried before the High Criminal Court which sentenced him to five years behind bars.

However, the plaintiff went to the court and waived his right to sue the defendant.

Forensic examination of the note proved that it was forged using a normal scanner and a colour printer.


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