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GCC CountriesBahrain

Bahrain: List of Circulating Rumours Debunked by Ministries

The current coronavirus pandemic has led to the spread of several rumours in the Kingdom of Bahrain. It is important to stay informed and aware of the facts to prevent further panic and chaos. Here is a list of rumours and false information clarified by the Ministries.

Date Clarifications on Misinformation
22-Mar-2020 Rumours currently circulating that a GCC citizen has died in the Janabiya area from Coronavirus (COVID-19) are untrue. A preliminary investigation indicates that the cause of death was suicide. Please only trust public health information from official sources.
16-Mar-2020 An audio clip that is currently circulating via social media and appears to record individuals entering homes in an attempt to spread Coronavirus (COVID-19) is not genuine. Please only trust news from official sources.
13-Mar-2020 Rumours currently circulating via social media that work in public and private organisations will be suspended are untrue. Legal action has been taken against the promoters of this rumour, and citizens and residents are reminded that they should only trust information circulated by official sources.
13-Mar-2020 The Director General of Reform and Rehabilitation categorically denies allegations that an inmate with Coronavirus (COVID-19) has died while in custody, and confirms the Kingdom’s commitment to the highest levels of transparency, stressing the need to only trust information from official sources and not circulate unsubstantiated news.
08-Mar-2020 MOI: Claims being circulated on a number of social media platforms that a campaign of inspections has been launched in Dragon Mall is untrue. Citizens and residents should only trust information from official sources.
02-Mar-2020 Director General of the Capital Governorate Police refutes the incorrect information circulated on social media platforms about the escape of an individual from quarantine. Following investigations, the information was found inaccurate and necessary steps were taken in this regard.
01-Mar-2020 The Director-General of Reform and Rehabilitation: Posts circulating on social media regarding the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Jau Rehabilitation Centre is false. Bahrain meets and exceeds the recommended standards for prison health. Obtaining information from reliable sources is key to not falling into the misinformation trap.


Legal action has been taken against promoters of these rumours. Citizens and residents are reminded they should only trust information circulated by official sources

All  data has been retrieved from the Ministry of Health‘s website.


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