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Bahrain launches initiative to monitor outdoor work ban violations

The National Institution of Human Rights (NIHR) has launched an initiative to report violations of the outdoor work ban between 12:00 pm to 04:00 pm during the months of July and August.

This is the third year in a row the initiative is launched to monitor the ban, which is enforced in implementation of the Labour and Social Development Ministry’s Edict (3) of 2013 on the prohibition of outdoor work at noon and in the afternoon in open areas during the scheduled ban hours.

The NIHR calls on residents and citizens to report any violations by photographing, identifying the location and time and sending them via NIHR’s WhatsApp number 17111666. In addition, these violations can be reported via the NIHR toll-free hotline 8000114 and email complaint@nihr.org.bh for action.



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