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Bahrain: Last month hottest August in 119 years

August 2021 has been recorded as the hottest August ever experienced in Bahrain since 1902, the Meteorological Directorate reported in their monthly weather summary.

The mean temperature last month was 36.8°C, which is 1.7°C above the long-term normal for August – the highest mean temperature for the month since 1902. The previous record was 36.6°C in August 2017.

The mean maximum temperature last month was 41.8°C, which is 2.2°C above the long-term normal – the highest recorded for August since 1946. The previous record was 41.4°C in August 2017.

During the month, Bahrain recorded 26 days with a maximum temperature exceeding 40°C and this goes on record as the highest number of days with maximum temperature over 40°C since 1946. The previous record was 24 days in August 2017.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 45.5°C on August 2, making it the third-highest temperature for August since 1946. This is only exceeded by August 9, 1993 with 45.7°C, and August 15, 2016 with 45.6°C.

The highest temperature recorded at Bahrain International Circuit was 48.7°C on August 2 and 47.7°C at Durrat Al Bahrain on the same day.

The mean minimum temperature of the month was 33.4°C, which is 1.9°C above the long-term normal and this goes on record as the highest mean minimum temperature since 1946. The previous record was 33.2°C in August 2017.



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