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Bahrain issues revised travel advisory for passengers from India

Bahrain has announced revised international arrival procedures for passengers coming from India. The travel advisory was posted on the Indian Embassy’s website:

  1. Entry to Bahrain will be restricted to Bahraini citizens; and holders of Bahraini residency visa only.
  2. All passengers from India (above 6 years of age) must carry negative RT-PCR test report with a QR code conducted within 48 hours before their departure.
  3. All passengers from India (above 6 years of age) must undergo PCR testing (at their own cost) upon arrival and test again on the 10th day of their arrival.
  4. They have to undergo quarantine for a period of 10 days at a government designated hotel licensed by NHRA or at their residence.

All passengers coming from India must be holding Bahraini Residence Visas and should carry RT-PCR negative test reports with valid QR code and they should verify the QR code by scanning the same before travelling to Bahrain.

They should also carry proof of reservation in their name for a designated quarantine facility or proof of a residence, either owned or leased by the passenger or an immediate family member before boarding the flight.


Indian Embassy of Bahrain

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