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Bahrain: Intermediate, Secondary Schools Results Announced; Available Online

Nawal Ibrahim Al Khater, Undersecretary for Policies, Strategies, and Performance at the Ministry of Education, announced the availability of school results online for the second semester of the academic year 2022/2023.

The results for the second semester of the current academic year will be available online through digital services via the national eGovernment portal and the educational portal provided by the Education Ministry (eduNET)

According to Undersecretary Al Khater, the results of primary students as well as the first two intermediate grades will only be available online within the next two days.

Al Khater noted that a QR Code has been added to secondary graduation certificates issued by the committee in charge of collecting students’ grades, providing an additional feature for verifying the information on the certificate. Grade appeals will be available as per the standard procedure.

The pass rate for the intermediate school certificate was 72%. Those who did not pass the final exam will have to retake it in the second round in which the success rate is expected to increase.

The success rate for grade 12 students (General Certificate of Secondary School Education) was 98.3%.

Results of the primary stage and the first and second grades of intermediate school will be announced by Monday, June 5.


Bahrain News AgencyBahrain News Agency

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