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GCC CountriesBahrainHealth

Bahrain: Immediate Action Against Quarantine Violators

An individual who violated the home self-isolation procedures and came into contact with other people has been placed at the quarantine facility run by the Ministry of Health.

The Public Prosecution interrogated him and ordered his compulsory quarantining after investigating a notification from the Directorate of Public Health.

The Public Prosecution has stressed commitment to mandatory measures to isolate the infected or suspected cases, warning that it would take immediate action against any violation of the law on public health and the measures undertaken to protect social health and safety.

Public Prosecutor Dr. Ali bin Fadhl Al-Bouainain had issued circular 4 of 2020 stipulating directives to take immediate action against any violation of the quarantining of infected or suspected cases.

The directives outlined rules and mechanisms for dealing with suspected and infected cases, in case they violate the isolation rules and procedures. They also stipulate coordination with the Ministry of Health to impose isolation procedures on the violator until recovery.


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