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BahrainTech & Telecoms

Bahrain: iGA launches updated version of ‘eMeeting’

The Information & eGovernment Authority (iGA) launched an updated version of its interactive conferencing system, eMeeting, which has been revamped to include several performance-enhancing features.

eMeeting was launched to accommodate the needs of meeting attendees of all levels, including executives, non-executives, senior management, employees, and executive secretaries. The first digital system of its kind in the Kingdom for initiating and managing online meetings, it has resulted in direct and indirect cost savings for its public and private sector users.

The updated version of eMeeting includes features for attending video conferences via iPhones, which will allow users to receive updates related to meetings that can be viewed on their devices. This is in addition to a split screen feature for attendees who use iPads.

The update also includes Microsoft One-Drive features, allowing users to access services via the cloud, and giving them more storage space for shared files, which are accessible safely from anywhere in the world.

The system, available in Arabic and English, also allows users to view meeting materials, retrieve documents through a preferred type of display, communicate via instant messages, take notes, and send private and public comments to all participants. In addition, it offers offline access to files.


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