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GCC CountriesPeople & CultureExpats

Bahrain: Free Accommodation for Expats Struggling to Self-Isolate

Dr. Muhammad Rafeek, Chairman of Ocean Gate and Rubicon Hotel Management Company, has offered free accommodation for the benefit of expats who have been directed to undergo home isolation but do not have any adequate means to isolate themselves.

A lot of people from the expat labour community are usually housed in cramped shared accommodation spaces, which defeats the purpose of home isolation. When they return from their home countries and are recommended home isolation, it becomes virtually impossible to do so, due to the lack of space, as well as due to financial constraints that prevent these expats from finding other individual accommodation.

If needed, Dr. Rafeek has assured that he is willing to provide to the Ministry of Health, various hotels and apartments under the management of Ocean Gate and Rubicon where as many as 500 individuals can be accommodated. Dr Rafeek said that this offer shall be communicated to the Ministry immediately.

The Kerala businessman is actively participating in the programs initiated by HRH Crown Prince and Deputy Prime Minister Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, to effectively resist the coronavirus pandemic.

For further details, please contact, Hotel management officials at:
38000274, 38000262, 38000252


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