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GCC CountriesBahrain

Bahrain: Fraud Discovered in Three Warehouses

“Investigation revealed three warehouses that stored large quantities of fruits and vegetables aiming to limit flow in the markets,” this was announced by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism.

The ministry added that dates on some stocks were back to February which, it added, discovered the traders’ intention to limit their flow in the markets which will lead to high prices.

The ministry noted that inspection and investigation campaigns came in the context of the Ministry’s continuous endeavor to strengthen the supervision of commercial activities and within an integrated strategy and unprecedented measures to deal with these exceptional circumstances, which include the availability of essential products in the markets.

Intensifying periodic inspection campaigns, the ministry added, came after the phenomenon of high prices of fruits and vegetables in recent times.

The ministry assured that all legal measures will be taken against violators, according to Law No. 35 of 2012 regarding consumer protection.


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