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GCC CountriesBahrain

Bahrain: Expired Food Seized From Warehouse in Hamala

The Director-General of the Northern Governorate Police Directorate stated that they received a report from the Public Health Department of the Ministry of Health about spoiled expired food which was found in one of the warehouses in Hamala, after an inspection campaign was carried out in cooperation and coordination between the ministries of Health, Industry, Trade, and Tourism.

He pointed out that, upon receiving the report, the governorate police moved to the warehouse location, which turned out to be unlicensed and contains spoiled food items and tools to change the dates of validity of the food. The warehouse was seized and those responsible for it were summoned.

The Director-General of the Northern Governorate Police Directorate confirmed that the necessary legal measures are being taken in preparation for referring the case to the Public Prosecution.


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