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Bahrain: Expat Nurse Attacker Claims ‘He Was Drunk’

An Asian man who brutally assaulted a nurse in Salmaniya two months ago, in an attempt to snatch her purse, claimed in the interrogation that he was drunk at the time of the incident.

The 29-year-old Indian man initially denied the accusations, but later confessed, stating that he was drunk and followed the woman in the vicinity of his residence in Salmaniya for two to three minutes before he attacked her.

He told interrogators that he had choked her from behind using his hand, causing her to fall to the ground, and later punched her in different parts of her body

He further stated that the victim resisted him and cried out for help, adding that he escaped the spot when he saw two individuals approaching.

As reported earlier, the victim is a 33-year-old Indian nurse who was walking home after finishing her work shift at Salmaniya Medical Complex at around 10 pm on the night of the incident (February 18).

The footage soon went viral on social media networks, raising nationwide condemnation of the “cowardly” act and demands to bring the man to justice.

The court also ordered not to release the man and to keep him in detention until the next session.


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