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Bahrain: Expat bites off roommate’s finger for not cleaning room

A female expatriate has gone on trial in Bahrain on charges of biting off a finger of her roommate during a brawl.

The defendant of an African nationality claimed the brawl had erupted due to a dispute over cleaning up the apartment she shared with the victim and the latter’s habit of returning late.

The case was brought to authorities’ attention after a Bahraini man reported that he had heard shrieks coming out of an apartment, prompting him to head to the place under the impression that the shouts were cries of help.

Much to his surprise, he saw two girls locked in a violent quarrel and one of them was holding her bleeding hand after a biting attack from the other. He transported her to the hospital.

The victim said that on the day of the incident she had left the house to attend a friend’s birthday party and on her return at dawn the accused initially refused to let her in. Later, the defendant opened the door, picked a fight with the victim and bit her, according to the victim’s account.

Bahrain’s major criminal court has adjourned hearing the case to October 12.


Gulf News
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