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Bahrain ends annual six-month shrimping ban

The annual six-month mandatory ban for catching, trading and selling shrimp in Bahrain has ended on 1st August, 2022.

The lifting of the ban was announced by the Agriculture and Marine Resources at the Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning.

This comes in accordance with the decision of Minister Eng. Essam bin Abdullah Khalaf to preserve marine wealth in a way that contributes to the development of the shrimping industry.

The ban is also part of an effort to allow the recovery of stocks in Bahrain to achieve sustainable development of marine resources.

Shrimps are locally called “Rubyan”.

The decision also comes in line with the Gulf decisions regarding the protection of stocks in the Kingdom and the Gulf countries.

Lifting the ban, however, does not mean allowing shrimp fishing in a way that is in violation of Resolution No. (205) of 2018 regarding the ban on marine fishing by bottom trawl nets (carafe) in the territorial waters of the Kingdom.

The Maritime Control Department calls on all fishermen to abide by the ministerial decision to prevent caraf fishing, which came mainly with the aim of protecting the marine wealth in the Kingdom and ensuring the sustainability of this important resource in terms of achieving food security.


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