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Bahrain: Duo Use Counterfeit Saudi Riyals, Get Jailed and Fined

The Fourth High Criminal Court recently sentenced a duo to five years’ imprisonment and fined them BD1,000 each for forging banknotes and using them in several commercial shops around Bahrain.

The Court also ordered both defendants permanent deportation after they serve their jail terms.

Court files showed that the duo (a Gulf man and an Arab woman) counterfeited several SR500 notes and used them to purchase goods from different shops and receive the change in genuine Bahraini Dinars.

A shopkeeper said that he had returned the remaining amount in Bahraini Dinars as per the request of the woman, who he claimed had also asked to change more Saudi banknotes.

The victim added that he discovered the notes were forged at a nearby money exchange, and he quickly returned to his shop where he saw the duo were still walking around.

Further investigations revealed that more complaints were lodged against the duo for similar accusations.

In the interrogation, the female defendant confessed that her male partner had handed over the counterfeited banknotes to her.


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