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Bahrain Development Bank launches “tijara” platform for SMEs

The Bahrain Development Bank (BDB) today announced the launch of “tijara”, a new efficient digital banking platform for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that enables businesses to apply for loans online for the first time in the Kingdom.

The launch coincides with the UN’s Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Day (MSMEs) and is a key milestone in Bahrain Development Bank’s strategy to drive digital transformation and support the growth of small businesses and startups in Bahrain by providing efficient and simplified banking solutions.

Bahrain Development Bank Chairman, H.E. Mr. Khalid Al Rumaihi

The platform will be available to selected BDB customers at this initial phase and will be made available for all customers in the next phase which will be announced later this year including additional BDB products and services.

Customers using the new platform will be able to register and undergo biometric verification digitally on their website.

Additionally, the platform allows customers to apply for BDB’s newly launched ‘Express’ loan, which is a short-term financing of up to BHD 15,000 and track the progress of their application online.


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